New Play Area at The Elms

Bloor Homes
Our services
Bloor Homes | 2020 |

A safe place for children to play, close to home

In June 2020 idverde was contracted to supply and install play equipment and associated safety surfacing within the play area at Bloor Homes’ newest development

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The Elms at Uppingham is a Bloor Homes development consisting of modern family homes in the heart of Rutland, surrounded by classic English countryside. In June 2020 idverde was contracted to supply and install play equipment and associated safety surfacing within the play area.

Bloor Homes takes pride in its strong traditions of quality and value for money and a desire to build homes that give its customers years of pleasure, so it was important that the new play space upheld these values, as well as providing equipment that would not look out of place in the natural setting within the development.

Following the acceptance of our competitively priced bid, the idverde team sourced and installed a range of play equipment from Playforce (part of idverde) and Vinci Play, including climbing apparatus, a swing, and a slide for The Elms’ young residents, with wooden structures featuring prominently in order to retain a natural feel to the area.


The area has proved popular since its completion, and we were delighted to receive this positive feedback from our Bloor Homes client:

idverde provided a competitive play area meeting all of our planning requirements. We were very happy with the communication between ops and the site team. The play area has provided a great place for the local community to play.”