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29 August 2023

Community club meeting at the Norfolk and Suffolk Road sheltered schemes

Community club meeting for the Residents at the Norfolk and Suffolk Road sheltered schemes with idverde’s Community Engagement Manager Paul Ashman.


Residents at Norfolk and Suffolk Road sheltered schemes were in for a treat at their monthly community club meeting hosted by their Resident Engagement Officer this summer.

Community Engagement Manager Paul Ashman at idverde working in partnership with Wiltshire Council recently met Kate Darbyshire, Senior Resident Engagement Officer, to see how they could start working together on several residential sheltered housing schemes.  It was agreed that Paul would visit Norfolk Road on the 2nd of August and Phillip Court on the 10th August.

Paul arrived to a warm welcome from both the residents and Kate at Norfolk Road. Attendees had the chance to meet Community Engagement Manager, Paul, he then gave a 30 minute talk on the work he is undertaking in the county including work involving nature, birds and bugs.

Paul also outlined what idverde and Wiltshire Council have achieved over the last 5 months. A weekly CEM report showed how things are going, a copy of which was given to the group.  Part of the report shows that volunteer groups had in the last 5 months held around 93 litter collections, collected in excess of 1200 black which equates to roughly 7000 kilos.

Paul continued to discuss a couple of our other projects, one being the supply of bird boxes and daffodil bulbs. The bird boxes were made by Trowbridge Men’s Shed and come as a flat pack which could be made up by the residents and placed in a location as detailed in the Top Tips for Your Bird Box information sheet.

Paul provided the residents with a bird box to install in the Norfolk Road communal garden, along with identification charts showing 20 of the most common British garden birds for residents to take home and use at their leisure.

Kate Darbyshire, Senior Resident Engagement Officer, said:  ‘It was super to have Paul come along to our community club meeting at Norfolk Road today. Our customers really enjoyed the talk and are delighted with the bird box and bird identification charts.

Thank you so much! Residents have invited Paul to join their November community club meeting and will look forward to it greatly as he will be providing daffodil bulbs for the group to plant not to mention their very own bug hotel!’

idverde’s Community Engagement Manager for Wiltshire Council, Paul Ashman, commented: “We were pleased to be able to offer our support to our client and the residents at Norfolk and Suffolk Road sheltered schemes and look forward to the community club meetings in the future.’

photo of community club meeting attendees

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